Demand Peripherals     Robotics and Automation Made Easy

SLIDE4: Quad Slide Potentiometer Input

The SLIDE4 peripheral lets you monitor four slide pots.



The SLIDER4 card has four slide potentiometers attached to a ten bit analog-to-digital converter. The ADC values are reported to the host 10 times per second. More information about the SLIDER4 card can be found here: cards/slider4.html.



The interface to the slide4 lets you look at the most recent samples or to watch for values that have changed.

positions : pot positions in range of 0 to 1023.
This resource has the current positions of the slide pots as four space-separated decimal numbers in the range of 0 to 1023. A zero value indicates that the slide is close to the Baseboard connector. Use pccat to monitor the pots for movement and pcget to get the most recently reported positions.



Monitor the four slide pots for movement.

      pccat slide4 positions