The OUT32 peripheral lets you control 32 binary 3.3 volt outputs. The OUT32 peripherals must be used with the OUT32 card or SW8, the slot expansion card.
The OUT32 and SE8 cards each have 32 channels of 3.3 Volt output. The OUT32 outputs are on a 32 by 3 pin header, and the SE8 has its 32 outputs in four 16x2 shrouded connectors with the same pin arrangement as the connectors on the Baseboard FPGA card. Screw terminal inputs on the OUT32 card lets you set the voltages on the second and third pins of the 3-pin headers. The OUT32 card uses the ESPI 7474 circuit so it has reliable operation even when mounted some distance from the FPGA card.
More information about the OUT32 and SE8 cards can be found here cards/out32.html and here cards/se8.html.
outval : the value on the output pins. A write to this resource sets the 32 outputs on the OUT32 or SE8 card. This resource works with both pcget and pcset.
Set the low 16 outputs low and the rest high.
pcset out32 outval ffff0000