New FPGA card
2 rows of 40 pins to give 10 peripheral slots
optional 1 row of 16 pins for host interface card
USB Serial interface with CP2102
easy to cut serial traces and header for raw serial
optional host RTS line for board reset
smaller 98x48mm form factor
SPI configuration flash.
SPI flash is seen as a peripheral for new code download
5 Volt input, onboard 3.3 and 1.2 volt regulators
new Verilog serial host interface (first using existing FPGA card)
Dual voltage/current controlled motor controller
XL4015. PWM for voltage control. Cycle stealing for current control.
Use AVR to set H-bridge direction and monitor voltage/current
Low cost NFETs for H-bridge can have high gate capacitance
Design to work with 7474 DPI circuit or direct SPI
No new Verilog
This might be a big seller
9-axis IMU card
Qwiic interface card
Grove interface card
Programmable power supply
XL4015 based design as above
AVR and quad digital pot to control.
ZXCT1107 for high side current monitor
No new Verilog
RFID reader card
Waveform generator card
Frequency counter card
A GPS receiver card (for absolute time sync and accurate frequency generation)
May be based on, or just carrier card of, existing GPS/GNSS receivers, yes
See the current GPS interface in dpdeaemon for the existing
Ref frequency generator from GPS signal, 10MHz output for test equipment (multiple driver outputs to sync many measurement devices)
Galvanic insulated Volt meter
Galvanic insulated Thermocouple interface
A generic signal conditioning board
Other Thoughts about cards
4-20 mA interface to somehow integrate commercial sensors into fpga/linux backend
I2C ground loop break (level conversion and always safe) to I2C , grove, Qwiic devices
One New board with some switches, a few LEDS and a LCD display, nicely done, visual and size compatible to rest of platform (a little control interface)
CAN BUS system integration New Chips available, (tribe of car enthousiasts will welcome this)
ACS71240 Integrated Current Sensor (hall sensor type, insulated measurement, high bandwidth)
Current controller/generator (starting at low current) upto 0.5 amp, used to power LED lighting applications (panels)
GHz tranceiver Si4464/63/61/60 used in smart metering,
allows many protocols (also known to me from balloon telemetry application
ranging 150 km without special antenna (line of sight)
used in remote control and logging of factory equipment (preventive maintenance) and sensors in the field
thinking about making it into a AX25 mesh network
Analog CPLD card
Weather sensor card
Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Light, UV Light
No new Verilog if I2C sensors
Brushless DC motor controller (?)
Silent stepper motor controller with all the trimmings TMC2226
DCC Model Railroad controller
Based on one channel of the current H-bridge
New Verilog required but a fairly simple design
recently found out this is a tribe, “model railroad builders”
Have a board on my desk right now to fix LED lighting of a model
Battery management card (?)
SD Card Reader (?)
Configurable voltage regulator card (?)
3.3/3.7/5/6 volt selectable via jumper
could be some lm317 with resistors, jumpers or switches
does it need to be high power?
typical use case for this board?