====== KBOT by Keithen Hayenga ====== {{wiki:kbot.png?256}} Kbot is a small tabletop or floor robot with the following goals: * Robot motion is controlled by an Android application * Camera on the robot passes images to the Android user * C/C++ application on a RPi3 to control the robot * Baseboard4 for hardware control of the robot ===== Overview ===== The project is broken into three pieces: the hardware, the software on robot, and the Android application. All the software in this project is released under the GPLv2 and is available for download. A video of the robot running is available here: ////// TBD: link to video of robot ////// ===== Hardware ===== {{:wiki:motorwiring.jpg?400|}} ===== Robot Software ===== ===== Android Application =====